Join us in St. Lucia!

Join us for Yoga & Mindfulness on the beautiful island of St. Lucia!

The information that you have been waiting for has finally arrived! In April 2024, we're headed to St. Lucia to retreat from the normal hustle and bustle of our lives, and explore ways to cultivate inner peace, even once we've returned! Sign up for the mailing list below, or keep reading to see if this retreat is for you!

"Get all of the details regarding this retreat sent right to your inbox! Sign up for the mailing list today! " -- Shavon McCown :-)

Yoga & Mindfulness Retreats aren't for everyone. Check the list to the right to find out if it's for you!

This retreat is for you IF...

you enjoy connecting with like-minded peers
✅ you get energized by spending time in nature
✅ you currently have or want to cultivate a yoga and mindfulness practice
✅ you like to travel abroad

✅ you watch the video below and think to yourself " I NEED TO BE ON THIS RETREAT!"

Sign up for the mailing list to discover how to join us!

The next interest meeting is coming soon! Don't miss it!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.